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sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

How a Smartphone Knows Up from Down (accelerometer)

How a Microwave Oven Works

How a Telephone Works

How do Airplanes Fly?

How Radio works

How computers work in less than 20 minutes

The British in Ireland unit 10

Sinnfein Unit 10

History of Ireland Unit 9

2 World War Unit 9

The Second Worl War II Unit 9

Inter war unit 9

World war two unit 9

World War one unit 9
Railway in the Victorian time Unit 8

Victorian research Unit 7

Over seas trade Unit 7

Napoleonic wars Unit 7

Home rule and Ireland Unit 7

British empire unit 7
English time line Unit 7

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Life in the 1700 th Unit 6

Agricultural revolution unit 6
America revolution and english colonies unit 6
Great Britain Rise to power unit 6
Union of crowns unit 5

The Act of Union Unit 5

Charles I of England unit 5

Charles I and the parliament unit 5
British Civil war I Unit 5

Oliver Cromwell Unit 5
Charles II Unit 5
Civil war revolution Unit 5

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012