Sing and watch the video

Sing and watch the video

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020


5th level dogs and cats. Let's learn more about pizza Thursday October 1st



Copy the questions and the answers in your notebook

1 Where the pizza was  invented ?

2 One pizza has the name of a queen. Who is the queen?

3 Draw a pizza in your notebook and write the ingredients.

      Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

2nd level Lions and Rabbits Homeworks 1st week of October


Mira el vídeo sobre los pájaros.  Escribe el nombre de tres ellos y haz el dibujo en tu cuaderno.

Watch the video about birds. Write the name of three birds and do the picture in your notebook.

Listen the ABC songs and practice at home with your family.

Escucha las canciones del abecedario y practica en casa con tu familia. 

                          Lots of love, 

                                                    Teacher Rubén XXX

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

5th level Dogs and Cats pupils page 5

 Listen and read. When has Jack got Spanish?

                           Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

5th level DOGS AND CATS. Adverbs of frequency

                                              Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

5th level A DOGS Homeworks September 29th Pupils book 5

 Copy the Adverbs os frequency and do your time table in English. 

 Study the adverbs of frequency

   Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

5 th level dogs and cats pupils Page 4 Homeworks 4th week of September


Copy the song in your notebook and the exercise 4. Review the pronutiation of today.

 Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

6th level Sharks and Koalas. Correct homework September 28th

Put tick or cross.

                         Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2020




Estimadas familias. Deseo que os encontréis bien.

   Lo primero de todo agradecer todo lo que estáis haciendo para que la vuelta al colegio cumpla todas las medidas de seguridad.

   Este curso en inglés las clases serán diferentes debido a la situación de pandemia por la que estamos pasando.

   En caso de que alguno/a de vuestros/as hijos/as no puedan acudir a clase, o la clase quede confinada, las clases de inglés seguirán de manera on-line. Se llevarán a cabo por el blog de inglés “English is fun” se puede acceder directamente o bien a través de la web del colegio.

Tambíén usaré “Teams”, para cualquier comunicación para no usar el papel, como se indica en el plan de contingencia. Los medios de comunicación serán a través de Racima y mi correo oficial

Para seguir las tareas id al blog de inglés y ved el curso de vuestros/as hijos/as.

2A Lions

2B Rabbits

5A Dogs

5B Cats

6A Sharks

6B koalas

  En la parte izquierda id haciendo click en entradas antiguas hasta llegar al contenido. También podéis buscar en la parte derecha “Etiquetas” el curso de vuestros/as hijos/as.

   Lamentablemente muchas de las actividades que hacía en inglés no podrán llevarse a cabo: trabajo por parejas, grupos, salidas (residencia de ancianos, ASPACE, supermercado, estación de trenes, parque del Ebro…)

Este curso tampoco han enviado lector/a.

   Cuando sea posible algunas de las clases de inglés se harán al aire libre, para así poder tener el metro y medio de distancia de seguridad y favorecer la ventilación del aula.

   Durante el curso se potenciará la destreza oral. Las actividades se harán en sus cuadernos y se corregirán en la pizarra digital y mediante el blog.

  En estos días de curso he visto en general a vuestros/as hijos e hijas muy ilusionados y con muchas ganas de aprender.

   Saquemos todo lo positivo que está situación nos permita.

   Siempre tendré en cuenta la situación personal de cada alumno/a y no serán muchas las tareas que mande para casa. Si por cualquier motivo no pudieran hacerlas, no necesitáis justificar la causa. Vosotros/as sois lo más importante y entiendo la situación por la que está viviendo cada familia.

   Como siempre insistir en el importancia de ver la tele en inglés y practicar con el blog, tablets… (pero sin excederse)

   Gracias a todos.

          ENGLISH IS FUN.

                    Lots of love, Teacher Rubén.

Dear families. I hope you are well.

   First of all, thank you for everything you are doing so that the return to school complies with all the security measures.

   This course in English the classes will be different due to the pandemic situation we are going through.

   In the event that any of your children cannot attend class, or the class is confined, the English classes will continue online. They will be carried out through the English blog "English is fun" can be accessed directly or through the school website.

I will also use “Teams”. For any communication not to use the paper, as indicated in the contingency plan. The means of communication will be through Racima and my official email

To follow the tasks go to the English blog and see the course of your children.

2A Lions

2B Rabbits

5A Dogs

5B Cats

6A Sharks

6B koalas

  On the left side, click on old entries until you reach the content. You can also look for the course of your daughters/sons on the right side "Etiquetas".


   Unfortunately, many of the activities that I did in English cannot be carried out: work in pairs, groups, out side activities (elderly house, ASPACE, supermarket, train station, Ebro park ...)

This course we have not a native teacher either.

   Whenever possible, some of the English classes will be held outdoors, in order to have a safe distance of a meter and a half and favor the ventilation of the classroom.

   Oral skills will be enhanced during the course. The activities will be done in their notebooks and will be corrected on the digital board and through the blog.

  In these days of the course I have generally seen your sons and daughters very excited and eager to learn.

   Let's get all the positive that this situation allows us.

   I will always take into account the personal situation of each student and the tasks that I send home will not be many. If for any reason they could not do them, you do not need to justify the cause. You are the most important and I understand the situation each family is living through.

   As always, insist on the importance of watching TV in English and practicing with the blog, tablets ... (but without overdoing it)

   Thank you all.

          ENGLISH IS FUN.

                    Lots of love, Teacher Rubén.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2020

6th level. Sharks and koalas. Pupils book page 2. Homeworks September 25th

 Watch the video and write words about the story in your notebook. As many as you can in three minutes. 

                Lots of love, 

                                Teacher Rubén XXX

All about my family 6th level Sharks and Koalas

 Watch. Who is untidy?

                          Lots of love, 

                                                          Teacher Rubén XXX

6th level. Sharks and Koalas. Activity book page 2 Homework September 25th

 Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2020

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

Not Saint Mathews festival. BE SAFE.


                                 Lots of love, 

                                                   Teacher Rubén XXX

We avoid the virus. Take care.

Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Jack's family. 5th level Dogs and Cats.

Watch the video. Who loves playing the guitar?
Do you play a musical instrument? Which one?

Lots of love,
 Teacher Rubén XXX



5th level Dogs and Cats. Pupils book page 3.

Study and copy the vocabulary in your notebook.
Do exercises 2 Look and say and exercise 3 Descibe yourself to your friend.

Lots of love, Teacher Rubén.



Listen and write the missing information. 5th level Dogs and Cats


                             Lots of love, 

                                              Teacher Rubén XXX

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2020

Top 10 English Speaking Countries in the World 5th level Dogs and Cats

Let's learn more about English speakers...

Enjoy the video. I hope I see you soon.

         Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Read the information and learn English speaking countries. 5th level Dogs and Cats


Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Who says this? Complete and copy in your notebook. 5th level Dogs and Cats


Look the map and read the information. 5th level Dogs and Cats


Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Kids vocabulary - Family - family members & tree - 2nd level Lions and Rabbits

Watch the video about family and then do your family tree in your notebook.
Write the name of your relatives too.
Mira el video sobre la familia y luego haz tu árbol genealógico en tu cuaderno. 
Escribe también el nombre de tus familiares. (Juan, Ana, Antonio.... )

               Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Write about your friend. You have one example. Copy in your notebok. 6th level Sharks and Koalas.


Becky is twelve years old. She is from England. Becky is scientific and techie. She is interested in famous scientists and inventors. She loves tennis. She plays tennis three times a week. Becky plays the viola. She loves vegetables and she cooks very well. Her favourite meal is vegetable pizza and peas. Becky has got one little sister called Sophie. They love school and their favourite subjects are music and english. 

         Lots of love, Teacher Rubén

Answer the questions about you. 6th level Sharks and koalas. Write in your notebook.

 1.- What's your name? 

2.- How old are you? 

3.- Where are you from?

4.- What type of person are you?

5.- What are you interested in?

6.- Tell my your hobbies.

7.- How many brothers or sisters have you got?

8.- Which are your favourite subjects?

9.- Which are your favourite sports?

10.- What kind of food do you like?

Now write three questions do you want to do to your English Teacher Rubén?

              Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

Interview Questions for Kids. 6th level Sharks and Koalas. Homeworks

Listen to the kids and then pratice.

              Lots of love, Teacher Rubén XXX

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

Coronavirus Song 2nd level Lions and Rabbits

Listen to the song, copy the sentences and do one picture in your notebook.

Escuchad la canción, copiad las frases y haced un dibujo en vuestro cuaderno. (Tendréis un cuaderno pequeño en casa para hacer actividades, sobre todo cuando las clases sean on line)

* Take your temperatures everyday.

* Wash your hands frequently with soap.

* Cover our mouths when cough or sneeze.

* Avoid touching our faces.

* Avoid sharing food.

* Avoid going crowed places.

* Wear masks.

* Have enough sleep and rest.

* Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

* And let's exercise regularly.

                   Lots of love,

                                   Teacher Rubén XXX



lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2020

5 th level B CATS. Homeworks Tuesday September 15th 2020



 Do the cover in your notebook and write the English rules. You have one example in the blog.

                   Lots of love Sharks and koalas, 

                                   Teacher Rubén XXX



Estimadas familias. Deseo que os encontréis bien.

   Lo primero de todo agradecer todo lo que estáis haciendo para que la vuelta al colegio cumpla todas las medidas de seguridad.

   Este curso en inglés las clases serán diferentes debido a la situación de pandemia por la que estamos pasando.

   En caso de que alguno/a de vuestros/as hijos/as no puedan acudir a clase, o la clase quede confinada, las clases de inglés seguirán de manera on-line. Se llevarán a cabo por el blog de inglés “English is fun” se puede acceder directamente o bien a través de la web del colegio.

Tambíén usaré “Teams”, para cualquier comunicación para no usar el papel, como se indica en el plan de contingencia. Los medios de comunicación serán a través de Racima y mi correo oficial

Para seguir las tareas id al blog de inglés y ved el curso de vuestros/as hijos/as.

2A Lions

2B Rabbits

5A Dogs

5B Cats

6A Sharks

6B koalas

  En la parte izquierda id haciendo click en entradas antiguas hasta llegar al contenido. También podéis buscar en la parte derecha “Etiquetas” el curso de vuestros/as hijos/as.

   Lamentablemente muchas de las actividades que hacía en inglés no podrán llevarse a cabo: trabajo por parejas, grupos, salidas (residencia de ancianos, ASPACE, supermercado, estación de trenes, parque del Ebro…)

Este curso tampoco han enviado lector/a.

   Cuando sea posible algunas de las clases de inglés se harán al aire libre, para así poder tener el metro y medio de distancia de seguridad y favorecer la ventilación del aula.

   Durante el curso se potenciará la destreza oral. Las actividades se harán en sus cuadernos y se corregirán en la pizarra digital y mediante el blog.

  En estos días de curso he visto en general a vuestros/as hijos e hijas muy ilusionados y con muchas ganas de aprender.

   Saquemos todo lo positivo que está situación nos permita.

   Siempre tendré en cuenta la situación personal de cada alumno/a y no serán muchas las tareas que mande para casa. Si por cualquier motivo no pudieran hacerlas, no necesitáis justificar la causa. Vosotros/as sois lo más importante y entiendo la situación por la que está viviendo cada familia.

   Como siempre insistir en el importancia de ver la tele en inglés y practicar con el blog, tablets… (pero sin excederse)

   Gracias a todos.

          ENGLISH IS FUN.

                    Lots of love, Teacher Rubén.

Dear families. I hope you are well.

   First of all, thank you for everything you are doing so that the return to school complies with all the security measures.

   This course in English the classes will be different due to the pandemic situation we are going through.

   In the event that any of your children cannot attend class, or the class is confined, the English classes will continue online. They will be carried out through the English blog "English is fun" can be accessed directly or through the school website.

I will also use “Teams”. For any communication not to use the paper, as indicated in the contingency plan. The means of communication will be through Racima and my official email

To follow the tasks go to the English blog and see the course of your children.

2A Lions

2B Rabbits

5A Dogs

5B Cats

6A Sharks

6B koalas

  On the left side, click on old entries until you reach the content. You can also look for the course of your daughters/sons on the right side "Etiquetas".


   Unfortunately, many of the activities that I did in English cannot be carried out: work in pairs, groups, out side activities (elderly house, ASPACE, supermarket, train station, Ebro park ...)

This course we have not a native teacher either.

   Whenever possible, some of the English classes will be held outdoors, in order to have a safe distance of a meter and a half and favor the ventilation of the classroom.

   Oral skills will be enhanced during the course. The activities will be done in their notebooks and will be corrected on the digital board and through the blog.

  In these days of the course I have generally seen your sons and daughters very excited and eager to learn.

   Let's get all the positive that this situation allows us.

   I will always take into account the personal situation of each student and the tasks that I send home will not be many. If for any reason they could not do them, you do not need to justify the cause. You are the most important and I understand the situation each family is living through.

   As always, insist on the importance of watching TV in English and practicing with the blog, tablets ... (but without overdoing it)

   Thank you all.

          ENGLISH IS FUN.

                    Lots of love, Teacher Rubén.

5 th level A DOGS. Homeworks Monday September 14th 2020


 Do the cover in your notebook and write the English rules. You have one example in the blog.

                   Lots of love Sharks and koalas, 

                                   Teacher Rubén XXX

2nd level Lions and Rabbits. Homeworks Monday September 14th 2020

Listen and sing the song about the weather. Learn the vocabulary of the song and enjoy it!!

Escucha y canta la canción sobre el tiempo. ¡Aprende el vocabulario y disfruta!

   Lots of love lions and rabbits, Teacher Rubén XXX

6 th level SHARKS AND KOALAS. Homeworks Monday September 14th 2020

 Do the cover in your notebook and write the English rules. You have one example in the blog.

                   Lots of love Sharks and koalas, 

                                   Teacher Rubén XXX

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020



Date: Monday 14th September 2020
Teacher: Rubén Crespo Grijalba



·       Speak English.
·       Bring the materials.
·       Raise your hand before you speak.
·       Listen to the teacher and your classmates.
·       Do your homework.
·       Help others.
·       Say “please” and “thank you”.
·       Collaborate and be respectful. 

Squish the Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

We love yoga. It is great!!!!

[EXTREME RARE VIDEO] Just Dance 2018 - Waka Waka This Time For Africa - ...

Dance Monkey - Tones And I | FitDance Life (Coreografía Oficial)

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020