Sing and watch the video

Sing and watch the video

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

Coronavirus Song 2nd level Lions and Rabbits

Listen to the song, copy the sentences and do one picture in your notebook.

Escuchad la canción, copiad las frases y haced un dibujo en vuestro cuaderno. (Tendréis un cuaderno pequeño en casa para hacer actividades, sobre todo cuando las clases sean on line)

* Take your temperatures everyday.

* Wash your hands frequently with soap.

* Cover our mouths when cough or sneeze.

* Avoid touching our faces.

* Avoid sharing food.

* Avoid going crowed places.

* Wear masks.

* Have enough sleep and rest.

* Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

* And let's exercise regularly.

                   Lots of love,

                                   Teacher Rubén XXX

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