Conversation 1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Situation: Lucy meets Bob in a greetings card shop.
Bob: Hello Lucy. I need some advice. Can you help me?
Lucy: I'll try Bob. What is your problem?
Bob: I've been invited to my Great Aunt's birthday celebration. She reaches the great age of 100 years next week.
Lucy: That's amazing! Will you be able to go?
Bob: Yes. I am trying to find a suitable card for her but there are only two cards in the 100 year old section. I don't like either of them.
Lucy: I would suggest that you find a card that is beautiful to look at but left blank inside for your own message to be added.
Bob: That's a very helpful suggestion. Thanks.
Lucy: Also they sell adhesive numbers that you can put on the card if you wish.
Bob: I'll do that. Can you suggest a suitable present for me to take?
Lucy: When you reach such a great age it is difficult to find something that she needs.
Bob: She is a little deaf but her eyesight is good. When I visit her she always complains of cold feet.
Lucy: Well what about a pair of lovely warm socks?
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