Sing and watch the video

Sing and watch the video

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


John: Hello? Is that the theatre?
Booking Clerk: Yes, speaking.
John: I'd like to buy some tickets for the play on Friday, please.
Booking Clerk: How many tickets, sir?
John: Four, please. Four seats together.
Booking Clerk: Well, the stalls are sold out, but we have a few in the circle.
John: I see. What time is the play starting?
Booking Clerk: At nine o'clock.
John: Is there a matinée?
Booking Clerk: No, there isn't.
John: Well, can I reserve four tickets?
Booking Clerk: Yes, sir. Please pick up your tickets at the box office on Thursday and make your payment there.
John: All right. Thank you.

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