Man: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Railway Station, please?
Linda: The Railway Station, let me think.
Man: I don´t see any signs.
Linda: Yes. Just a moment. Yes, go straight on here. Go straight ahead at the first roundabout. Then you'll see another roundabout, go straight ahead up to the next one. Then down the hill and at the third roundabout turn right. It's signposted to Bristol. Then carry on there on that secondary road, and after about a mile you come to some traffic lights. You turn left at the traffic lights, it's signposted to the railway station right at those lights, and then you carry straight along that road. There's another set of traffic lights; go straight ahead there. And then you will see the railway station on your left. There's a left turn off the road into the railway station entrance.
Man: So it's straight ahead.
Linda: Straight ahead at the first two roundabouts, right at the third roundabout.
Man: Signposted to Bristol?
Linda: Yes. And then right at the traffic lights and go on another mile or two and the railway station is on your left.
Man: Thank you very much.
Linda: You're very welcome.
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